Ways To Give Your School Fundraising A Festive Boost

Schools: Ways To Give Your School Fundraising A Festive Boost

Friday 27th November 2020   /   Schools   /   0 Comment(s)

Ways To Give Your School Fundraising A Festive Boost

It has been a difficult year for school fundraising, with many traditional fundraising events being cancelled or put on hold. With Christmas approaching, there are plenty of ways to give your fundraising a festive boost.

Festive Fundraising Tips

While the end of term is a busy time, there are plenty of ways to give your fundraising a festive boost using existing resources.

Take Advantage of End Of Term (and Start Of Term) Communications

Schools will be in regular contact with parents at this time of year. Messages about end of term events and arrangements, as well as next term, will all be going out to parents. So, a simple step to take is to add a note about fundraising with Stikins ® name labels to existing letters, emails, and texts.

You can remind parents about the importance of using name labels to keep lost property to a minimum. You could remind parents about our school fundraising scheme and your school's fundraising number. Alternatively, you could let parents know about the projects you hope to fund with the commission you earn.

Both the school and parents may also have run into the issue of lost property. The end of term is a brilliant time to encourage parents to check that their children’s school kit is labelled. At the same time, you can let them know that they can raise funds for the school by purchasing Stikins ® name labels.

You may be sending out lists of kit required for new subjects or sending new starter kits to children joining the school after Christmas. These are both ideal opportunities for reminding parents about the important of labelling all school uniform and kit.

Promote School Fundraising With Our Free Fundraising Materials

We provide parent leaflets and posters to all of our school fundraisers for free. Our parent leaflets give parents all the information they need learn more about or to order Stikins ® name labels. They can easily be handed out alongside other end of year communications to parents.

Make Sure Your Website Has All The Information Parents Might Need Over Christmas

Some parents might start thinking about name labels over Christmas when the school is closed. Making sure your website is up to date with information about Stikins ® labels ensures that parents can always be reminded about Stikins even when the school is closed.

You could include information about the importance of labelling school kit. Alternativelly, you might want to write about Stikins ® name labels and how our fundraising scheme works. You could even include a section about past, current, and future projects that will be supported by the commission you earn. Alternatively, you can simply point parents in the direction of our website so they can find out more from us.

Most importantly, you can add a link on your website to our website. This provides parents with a direct link to order their name labels, which can automatically add your fundraising number to their order.

Visit Adding A Website Link to find out how to add a link OR let us know that you’ve added a link. This lets us make sure that your link is working.

Request Your Free School Fundraising Materials Today

The school fundraising section of our website is full of advice and fundraising materials. These can all be downloaded or requested for free.

Check out “How It Works” for more information about our school fundraising scheme. This includes helpful advice for getting the most out of the scheme, like our Commission Booster Plan.

Visit our “Downloads & Useful Links” page to download free fundraising materials. You can download our Fundraising Guide, Parent Leaflet, Notice Board, and Example Letters To Parents.

Use our “Requests & Sign Up Form” to request free parent leaflets and posters. You can request as many leaflets as you need and they will be sent to you along with stickers that are pre-printed with your school’s fundraising number.