Schools: How To Boost Your School Fundraising This Half Term

Half term is the perfect time to remind parents about the importance of labelling their children’s school uniform and kit – and to boost your school fundraising efforts with Stikins ® name labels.
How It Works
If you’re not familiar with our fundraising scheme, this is how it works:
- Schools and PTAs (and nurseries and activity groups) sign up – completely free – to the scheme.
- We allocate each school fundraiser a unique fundraising number.
- Parents order directly from us (by phone, email, or post); if they quote your fundraising number, we add their order to your commission earnings.
- We keep track of your commission earnings and pay out your commission once a year, in November, via cheque.
How To Boost Your Commission Total
We’ve been running our school fundraising scheme since 2004 and we’ve worked closely with school and PTA to create a commission booster plan, which helps all of our school fundraisers to increase the amount of commission they earn.
- When you join the scheme (or when you want to give your fundraising a bit of a boost), it’s always a good idea to have someone being proactive and pushing things forward for a few months to encourage higher levels of interest from parents.
- Request free posters to put on school or PTA notice boards around the school. These posters include a space to display your fundraising number, along with our website details. Parents can take a picture of the poster and have everything they need to place an order – that will qualify for your commission earnings.
- Add a link to our website on the school or PTA website. This makes it really easy for parents to order and automatically adds your fundraising number to their order (even if they forget). Full details of how to add a link can be found on our Add A Link advice page.
- Request free leaflets to send out to parents. You can send these leaflets home on their own or include a note or letter explaining how the scheme works and perhaps some information about the projects that their purchase will help to fund. You can also request extras to keep in the office for visitors to the Lost Property Box.
- Rally support and feedback. We have a Fundraising Guide and PTA PowerPoint presentation (both of which can be downloaded from our website here – you can also request a hard copy of the guide here); use these to raise awareness of and support for the fundraising scheme at staff and PTA meetings.
- Get organised with a checklist of ways to promote the fundraising scheme – along with a note of when each item needs to be done by and by whom.
- Request free samples for every pupil in the school. We offer five printed name labels for every pupil; each set will be individually packed with instructions for use. Samples are printed with first names and surnames; if you cannot submit full names due to data these can be combined with class names to avoid confusion over duplicates.
How To Boost Your School Fundraising Over Half Term
Parents often use half term breaks to take stock of school uniform and kit – to check if anything has gone missing or needs to be replaced because it’s been worn out or outgrown. Sending out a gentle reminder about name labels is a great way to encourage parents to order labels.
Schools often use half term breaks to get important notices and information sent out to parents. You can save resources and boost your fundraising by adding a note to existing letters, emails, and newsletters being sent out to parents in preparation for half term.
Request free samples, leaflets, and posters using our Requests & Sign Up Form; to find out more about the scheme, visit our School Fundraising home page.